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Sabatini Gin, in the green hills of Tuscany


Our contacts

Sabatini Gin
Teccognano S.r.l.
Loc. Teccognano, C.S. 565
52044 Cortona (AR)

P. IVA e C.F. 02212280511
Cap. Soc. € 2.500 (i.v.)
REA: AR-169811
Isc. CCIAA n. T 254774295

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    How to get here

    Villa Ugo, the seat of our operations and location for the Gin Tour, is situated in the verdant hills of the hamlet of Cortona Teccognano, south of Arezzo.

    Set your Google Maps to “Sabatini Gin” or, once you arrive in Camucia-Cortona, follow signs first for Pergo and then for Teccognano.

    Visits to Villa Ugo are by reservation only. Vehicles must be less than 1.90 m wide. If you are traveling in a larger vehicle, please let our team know so that we can meet you at the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, just below the villa in Sant’Angelo, where there is room to park.

    sabatini gin

    online store

    Sabatini Gin Prodotti

    Visit our online shop and discover our line of products. You’ll find special vintages, accoutrements, and original gift ideas.

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    Dichiaro di avere l'età prevista dalla legge per bere alcolici nel paese in cui risiedo.
    I declare to have legal alcohol driving age in my country of residence.
